2016: Seminar Informatika Aplikatif Polinema (SIAP)

Nova Anand Nasa Putri
Ekojono Ekojono
Nurudin Santoso


Insurance  is  a  term  used  to  refer  to  the  action,  system,  or  business  where  financial  protection
(compensation) for life, property, health, and others. However, In fact, the right selection of insurance products
becomes a problem for future customers in AJB Bumiputera 1912 Malang.
This research was made the decision support system selection of individual life insurance products for
future customer by using profile matching method. Profile matching method is a comparing process between the
insurance  products  competition  and  costumers  candidate  competence  so  it  can  be  the  difference  competence
(also called GAP). the smaller a gap generated, then the value is large which means it has a better chance to
select the product.
The result of test performed by comparing the system result and manual result is 100% .


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____.____Produk Asuransi Bumiputera [Online]
Tersedia:[ 7
Desember 2015.