Klasifikasi Warna Liquid Glucose Berdasarkan Citra HSV Menggunakan Euclidean Distance

2019: Seminar Informatika Aplikatif 2019

Yogatama Abi Permana
Ulla Delfana Rosiani
Ridwan Rismanto


Liquid Glucose is an alternative to sugar in various foods, including low-calorie and sugar-free foods, such as toothpaste and gum. In this industry, the process of quality control when sorting products still uses human eye power, namely by looking one by one by comparing the APHA color standard, where sometimes mistakes often occur when sorting Liquid Glucose based on the color of the liquid. So this process must be carried out by professionals and it is undeniable that errors can occur when comparing one by one so that the checking results are accurate. This study aims to create a digital image processing application to measure the classification of color levels of Liquid Glucose based on APHA color standards. Color extraction used in this study HSV. All three colors are classified with Euclidean Distance. The data used in this study were 50 images, consisting of 10 types of fluids where each fluid will be carried out 5 times training data sampling and 5 testing times. The results of the 93% HSV image accuracy and Euclidean Distance method reached 51%.